ACC2025 Paper Acceptance

Our paper entitled “Fuzzy and Neural Network Controllers for N-Trailers Wheeled Mobile Robots Avoiding Self-Collision and Actuator Saturation” by Pouya Kassaeiyan, Dr. Qi Wei, and Dr. Ningshi Yao has been accepted by the 2025 American Control Conference (ACC2025). Dr. Yao will attend this conference in-person. See you in Denver, CO, Read more…

CCTA2024 Paper Acceptance

Our paper entitled “Optimal Real-Time Human Attention Allocation and Scheduling in a Multi-human and Multi-robot Collaborative System” by Renke Wang and Dr. Ningshi Yao has been accepted by The 8th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA2024).

ACC2024 Paper Acceptance

Our paper entitled “Robust Model Predictive Control for Networked Control Systems with Timing Perturbations” by Renke Wang and Dr. Ningshi Yao has been accepted by rhe 2024 American Control Conference (ACC2024). Dr. Yao will attend this conference in-person. Look forward to seeing you in Toronto, ON, Canada!

COCOA2023 Paper Acceptance

Our paper entitled “Two Exact Algorithms for the Packet Scheduling Problem” by Dr. Fei Li and Dr. Ningshi Yao has been accepted by the 16th Annual International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (COCOA’23). Dr. Yao will attend this conference in-person. Look forward to seeing you during COCOA!

IROS2023 Conference Trip

Ciao Lab had a great IROS2023 journey! Our PhD student Yidi Huang presented our novel work on visualizing what patients with eye motion disorders can see, using eye robots! And Rajul Kumar received the IDEA travel award from WIE. Cheers for the nice work of our students and Mason Robotics.