ONR Grant Awarded

We are very excited to announce that we have received a grant from the Office of Naval Research for Distributed Intelligence with Lighter-Than-Air Vehicles. This 3-year project is a joint research with Dr. Daigo Shishika. The project aims to build robotic agents that can robustly operate in dynamic and contested Read more…

NSF Grant Awarded

We are very excited to announce that our lab has received an NSF ECCS grant. This 3-year project will focus on developing novel and transformative approaches to co-design scheduling and control strategies for resource constrained cyber physical systems.

CDC Paper Acceptance

Our paper entitled “Observability Analysis and Reduced-Order Observer Design for a Super-Coiled Polymer-Driven Robotic Eye” by Sunil Kumar Rajendran, Dr. Ningshi Yao, and our collaborator Dr. Qi Wei and Dr. Feitian Zhang was accepted by the 61th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2022). Sunil Kumar Rajendran will present Read more…

ACC Paper and Poster Acceptance

Our paper entitled “Event-triggered Scheduling and Control Co-design for Networked Control Systems with Sub-schedulability” by Dr. Ningshi Yao and our collaborator Dr. Fumin Zhang was accepted by American Control Conference (ACC) 2022. Dr. Ningshi Yao will present this work in the Event-triggered Control Session of ACC2022 on June 8. Look Read more…